There is a lot of information out there about the COVID-19 vaccine and we will update this page soon (updated 02/22/22).
- Vaccine Available for Individuals 16 years of age and older
- Find your nearest vaccination location here or call (833) 621-1284 to schedule an appointment near you.
- Continue to check with your doctor as they may get Vaccine inventory at any time.
Each Section Included below on this COVID-19 Information Page:
- DuPage County Response
- Will County Response
- Naperville COVID-19 Response
- Lisle Township COVID-19 Response
- COVID-19 “Scam Alert”
- Coronavirus Scams
- Stimulus Check Scams
- IDPH Vaccine Location Finder
- For Veterans
- IL Department on Aging Response
- Frequently Asked Questions
For updates on the status of COVID-19 vaccine
- As of 2/22/22, DuPage County has seen
- 1,082,484 people vaccinated with at least one dose
- 686,090 people (73.89% of population) have been fully vaccinated
- 379,919 booster doses administered
- 395,059 doses administered to residents 65+
- 139,082 residents 65+ (99.5%) have been fully vaccinated
- 110,934 booster doses administered to residents 65+
- DuPage County Population 928,589
- DuPage County Population residents 65+ = 139,774.
- 1,082,484 people vaccinated with at least one dose
For COVID-19 Information in Will County, Click Here.
- As of 2/22/22 Will County has seen
- 690,766 people vaccinated with at least one dose
- 449,998 people (65.00% of population) have been fully vaccinated
- 221,536 booster doses administered
- 229,471 doses administered to residents 65+
- 81,550 residents 65+ (84.7%) have been fully vaccinated
- 60,674 booster doses administered to residents 65+
- Will County Population 692,310
- Will County Population residents 65+ = 96,321.
- 690,766 people vaccinated with at least one dose
- Vaccine Registration Assistance: Seniors can register for vaccine availability by contacting their County. Registering allows a senior to be contacted to make an appointment for vaccination when supply is available.
- Seniors in DuPage County should call the County’s COVID hotline: (630) 221-7030.
- Seniors in Will County should call Will County Senior Services: (815) 723-9713.
- Grocery and Medication Delivery: Free home delivery of food and medicine for senior citizens in Naperville and surrounding areas who are unable to or avoidant of outdoor interactions due to COVID-19 is being provided by Islamic Center of Naperville Youth Helpers. Call or text (773) 234-6627.
- Accessing Social Security Services: The Social Security Administration has suspended face-to-face service to the public in field offices and hearings offices nationwide until further notice. This decision protects the senior population and Social Security Administration employees during this time. For more information, please visit
- “Our Voice” is the Naperville Senior Task Force Quarterly publication allowing seniors to connect with their community and learn more about the services and information that can enrich their lives.
- Grocery and Medication Delivery: Free home delivery of food and medicine for senior citizens in Naperville and surrounding areas who are unable to or avoidant of outdoor interactions due to COVID-19 is being provided by Islamic Center of Naperville Youth Helpers. Call or text (773) 234-6627.
- Vaccine Registration Assistance: Seniors in DuPage County can register for vaccine availability by calling the County’s COVID hotline: (630) 221-7030. Registering allows a senior to be contacted to make an appointment for vaccination when supply is available.
- Grocery and Medication Delivery: Free home delivery of food and medicine for senior citizens in Naperville and surrounding areas who are unable to or avoidant of outdoor interactions due to COVID-19 is being provided by Islamic Center of Naperville Youth Helpers. Call or text (773) 234-6627.
- For Illinois Department of Public Health latest information, please visit the IDPH Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) page. This page is updated daily and includes Regional Metrics, Covid-19 Guidance (for Schools, Places of Worship, Assisted Living Facilities & More), Updated Vaccine Statistics, ICU & Ventilator Utilization and Much More…
- For information from the CDC on how to protect yourself, please visit the CDC COVID-19 page:
Please be alert to scammers taking advantage of people during these difficult times. This COVID-19 Scams Alert is from Officer Julie Smith, Crime Prevention Specialist at our Naperville Police Department. Ms. Smith is also a liaison officer with the Naperville and Lisle Townships Triad. The Scam Alert includes both Coronavirus Scams and Stimulus Check Scams. Be aware of these scams and help ensure friends and family are aware as well. READ THE COVID-19 SCAM FLYER HERE
IDPH Vaccine Location Finder
- Using this tool created by the IDPH (Illinois Department of Public Health) to find COVID-19 vaccine locations, and appointments available.
- VACCINE LOCATION FINDER (we have signed in to both Walgreens & Osco; CVS is another option)
- Hines Hospital is providing Covid-19 vaccines to all veterans age 65 and over.
- Vets just need to call 708-202-2702 or 708-202-2700.
This is a rapidly evolving process, but we at IL Department on Aging (Aging) are committed to keeping you informed of the latest information related to vaccination in Illinois, and encourage you to check IDoA’s COVID-19 Vaccine webpage which has up-to-date information, videos, and helpful links meant to dispel myths and rumors about the vaccine and promote vaccine distribution. Please feel free to share the graphic below as well as the information found on our Aging page with our older Illinoisans. Aging also encourages you to check the IDPH COVID-19 Vaccine website regularly for the most up to date information and guidance.
As the distribute the COVID-19 vaccine begins, there’s no doubt scammers are already scheming, leaving our older Illinoisans as unsuspecting prey. Aging asks for your help in making sure our older adults know that Medicare covers the COVID-19 vaccine, so there will be no cost to them. If you come across a COVID-19 vaccine scam, or hear that one of our older adults has been a victim, immediately report it to the Attorney General’s Consumer Fraud Hotline at (800) 386-5438, the Federal Trade Commission, or call (800) MEDICARE. Additionally, some common misconceptions are:
- You can’t pay to put your name on a list to get the vaccine.
- You can’t pay to get early access to a vaccine.
- You can’t pay to receive doses of the vaccine in the mail.
(FAQ’s) COVID-19 Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions
Click Here
FAQ Source: Illinois Department of Public Health